Types of teeth whitening available at Pearl Dental Clinic
Combination whitening
Our most effective teeth whitening option, combination whitening consists of an in-surgery Zoom! WhiteSpeed appointment, followed by home whitening using Enlighten Evolution peroxide gel. Combination whitening is the quickest and most effective way to achieve outstanding results. We work closely with you, using superior products and skills, and guarantee a Vita B1 shade, the whitest natural shade available.
Zoom! WhiteSpeed whitening
With Zoom! WhiteSpeed whitening, your teeth can go up to 8 shades lighter in just one hour. The Zoom! WhiteSpeed procedure is simple. We begin by isolating your lips and gums, before applying Zoom! Advanced Power Whitening Gel to your teeth. This is then activated by a specially designed laser light. For better whitening results, at Pearl Dental Clinic, we run the full 3 cycles of Zoom! whitening as recommended for the best outcome.
Enlighten Evolution whitening
Enlighten is a whitening treatment that gives superior results. The treatment guarantees your teeth will whiten to a B1 shade, and can go up to ten shades lighter. The Enlighten home whitening kit consists of Enlighten whitening gel, custom-made home whitening trays, and a desensitiser gel to ensure comfortable treatment. At Pearl Dental Clinic, we have been accredited as an Enlighten Evolution Professional Whitening Centre.
Home teeth whitening
Home whitening involves wearing small, custom-made, close fitting whitening trays with specially designed premium whitening gel for two to three weeks. We take digital scans of your teeth using our iTero Digital 3D scanner to make very accurately fitting and comfortable whitening trays. You will have everything you need to achieve fantastic teeth whitening results in a short amount of time.
Internal tooth whitening
When a tooth becomes black due to repeated dental procedures, root canal treatments, or dental trauma, then ordinary whitening will not be effective. Internal whitening bleaches the black tooth from the inside to gently restore the tooth back to a whiter shade.